Arica Nativa was born far from the cities, sharing beautiful films in Andean communities, in the valleys, foothills and plateau of Arica and Parinacota, while we were restoring heritage, with mud, stones and wild straw *.
After 15 years of good walking and many friendships, Arica Nativa continues to be a very rare festival, a modest festival of native films that seeks something as powerful and necessary as making new generations fall in love with preserving the natural and cultural treasures of the planet, which they guard communities away from cities.
They ask us what it means to be Nativ @. And we respond by repeating what wise people we have met along the way transmitted to us: to be in the world with humility and joy, connected with Mother Earth and our ancestors, looking at the future with an eye on the origin, always rebellious and enthusiastic. to achieve a more community, fair and sustainable world. The icon of the festival is a geoglyph left by the old Andean cultures in the Lluta valley, near Arica, which marks the path for the old caravans that connected the plateau and the coast, the troperas and herdsmen who went around the world sharing effort, their culture and their friendship.
In 2021 we turn 16, when we live an emergency that forces us to rethink many things as a species to move forward. We invite with special enthusiasm the audiovisual artisans, the activist filmmakers of the planet, to create together this festival of native films, dedicated with affection to the rural and indigenous communities of the world, which today, more than ever and urgently, we must listen carefully ... May it be in good time, Jallalla!
* Arica Nativa is one of the permanent projects of Fundación Altiplano, a non-profit organization that accompanies Andean and rural communities in need of conserving their heritage at risk.

sustainable conservation
Arica Nativa y Fundación Altiplano
Arica Nativa is part of a permanent effort to promote sustainable development from the conservation of the natural and cultural treasures of the planet. Its purpose and objective are nourished by the Sustainable Conservation in Community model.
In its 16 editions, Arica Nativa has always paid special attention to the urgent challenge of sustainability of the planet. Its commitment to sustainability is formalized in the following strategic statement, structured around the 4 axes of sustainable development. There are 12 sustainability challenges/goals to guide and inspire the activities of the annual program.
Ecologically sustainable:
· Zero generation of plastics
· Printing of only 10% of graphic material
· Communication platform available for environmental activism
Socially equitable:
· 80% of the activities free and scholarships for those with cost
· Special focus on new generations and the elderly
· Female leadership and inclusion of minorities and diversity
Culturally relevant:
· Leadership of local communities (Andean, Afro, trades, among others)
· Creative conversation of local/regional cultures
· Participation/learning for private creators
Economically viable:
· Balance of public funds and private contributions